《T3》是世界权威科技产品数码消费杂志。 每期杂志都包含最新的技术新闻和分析,小工具评论,智能功能以及购买指南。 专注于高端消费类电子产品和生活方式技术,每一期均展示500多种产品,包括平板电脑,智能手机,数码相机,电视,笔记本电脑,便携式媒体播放器和游戏机。 从Apple iPad到三星Galaxy s2,从iPhone 5到HTC Sensation T3,所有您需要连接到技术上的东西。Our writers are as passionate about gadgets as you are, and this is reflected in insightful articles that cover every aspect of technology. In the Hype section, you’ll read about cutting-edge launches; tech that truly has the ‘wow’ factor. Each month, Agenda recommends seven adventures that you can have with tech right now – everything from filming extreme sports on your GoPro action camera to taking a flight on a jetpack! Select is where we review the latest and greatest new products, from hardware to games and apps. And Elite is the ultimate tech buyer’s guide – your first port of call if you’re looking to buy something new for yourself or your home.