《Food & Wine》杂志专为对美食和饮品充满热情并希望受到创意厨师和酿酒师启发的读者而设计。 现在,FOOD&WINE®以壮观的数字格式提供其美味食谱,简单的葡萄酒购买建议,有趣的创意和有趣的趋势发现。 每一期都包括印刷杂志中的每个单词和食谱。Food & Wine is for readers who are passionate about food and drinks and looking to be inspired by creative chefs and winemakers. Now FOOD & WINE® offers its delicious recipes, simple wine-buying advice, great entertaining ideas and fun trend-spotting in a spectacular digital format. Each issue includes each and every word and recipe from the print magazine.