《The Artist》是英国最鼓舞人心的实用艺术杂志,面向有抱负的业余和专业艺术家。知名艺术家展示他们的工作实践和技术,涵盖每一期的所有主题和媒体。自1931年以来,The Artist一直以专业艺术家的高质量演示以及涵盖所有媒体和主题的建议和信息激励着世界各地的艺术家。了解知名和后起之秀艺术家如何创作他们的作品,并使用他们提供的技巧帮助你改进自己的绘画和绘画。及时了解最新的艺术材料,由我们值得信赖的专家艺术家小组进行尝试和测试,并与最新的美术比赛保持联系,以参加和必看展览。了解其他艺术家如何从他们的作品中赚钱,参加我们的实践工作坊/假期,不要错过最新的艺术新闻和观点。The UK’s most inspiring practical art magazine, for aspiring amateur and professional artists. Well-known artists reveal their working practices and techniques, covering all subjects and media in every issue.Since 1931 The Artist has been inspiring artists worldwide with top-quality demonstrations by professional artists, and advice and information covering all media and subject matter. Learn how established and up-and-coming artists create their work and use the tips they provide to help you improve your own drawing and painting. Keep up to date with the latest art materials, tried and tested by our trusted panel of expert artists, and keep in touch with the latest art competitions to enter and must-see exhibitions. Learn how other artists make money from their work, join one of our practical workshops/holidays, and don’t miss out on the latest art news and views.