100多年来,《Professional Photographer 专业摄影师》是美国《专业摄影师》的官方杂志,它帮助读者提高了摄影行业的职业水平。 每期都包含有关专业摄影的艺术,商业和技术方面的实用而前沿的课程。 没有其他杂志能够更有效地介绍人物,趋势,产品以及改变和定义肖像,婚礼和商业摄影风景的照片。For more than 100 years, Professional Photographer, the official magazine of Professional Photographers of America, has helped readers advance careers in the photographic industry. Each issue contains practical yet cutting-edge lessons in the artistic, business, and technological aspects of professional photography. No other magazine offers a more influential presentation of the people, trends, products, and photographs changing and defining the portrait, wedding and commercial photography landscape.