《WOOD》由 Larry Clayton于1984年创办,遵循Better Homes and Gardens测试厨房的原则,杂志中发表的食谱都经过了测试。杂志中的每个项目都是在Wood 的木工车间建造的;发表的每一种木工技术都经过编辑们的尝试和完成;讨论的每种工具或产品都经过了车间测试并评估了其性能。Wood was founded in 1984 by Larry Clayton; it follows the principle of Better Homes and Gardens’s test kitchen, where recipes published in the magazine have been tested. Every project in the magazine has been built in Wood’s woodworking shop; every woodworking technique published has been tried and accomplished by the editors; and every tool or product discussed has been shop-tested and its performance evaluated.